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Mikhail Shneerson

President of the Company

As a child, Mikhail acquired skills that later helped him transform the Dr. Nona in an international success story.
As a child, Misha was an exemplary student, intelligent, creative, ambitious, was fond of the exact sciences, giving preference to mathematics and physics, and loved to tinker. Mikhail began to work at the age of 14 and very quickly rose to one of the highest levels of qualifications, which usually reached more mature and experienced workers.
After completing his studies in high school, Mikhail entered the Kiev Technological College, which he graduated with honors. After serving in the ranks of the Soviet army, Mikhail continued his education at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. In 1965, after a visit from his relatives from Israel, Mikhail became interested in such a distant country. Soon, despite his high position as chief technologist and a quite prosperous, well-ordered life, the desire to repatriate to Israel took over. In 1971 he applied to leave. In Israel, despite the lack of a language, he quickly found a job in his specialty. But in order to buy an apartment and a car, much more money was needed than the salary of an engineer. And here knowledge of different crafts came in handy. His skillful hands made it possible to achieve prosperity and acquire everything necessary for a dignified life in Israel. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Michael was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces, where in a short time he earned a reputation as an excellent soldier and commander.
After the end of the war, Mikhail worked as the head of the technical development department at a large international corporation. His inventions have helped streamline workflow and save the company hundreds of thousands of dollars. In his spare time, Mikhail and a friend developed unique anti-theft locks, which were subsequently approved by many large companies.
The next step was the creation of a commercial enterprise for the production of silver jewelry. But the 1987 intifada caused a drop in demand for silver items, and Mikhail, who was in South Africa at the time, had to return to Israel to legally close his business. One day Nonna returned home from Tel Aviv University, where she was working as a lecturer, with the startling news that life exists in the Dead Sea, and the idea was born to produce products based on the life force of archaebacteria that can survive in the harsh living conditions of the Dead Sea. Mikhail instantly realized the enormous potential of the idea. While Nonna started putting together a development team, he began raising funds for the new company. Despite the lack of initial capital and connections, Mikhail was able to arrange funding for research and development work. At the same time, a marketing method was developed through a network of independent distributors, which allowed the company to move forward without the need to raise capital for store construction and advertising campaigns. The well-chosen methodology, which has become an unprecedented engine of progress and growth, has allowed Nonna and Mikhail to enable thousands of distributors to conduct business over the years, and significantly contribute to improving their quality of life.
When the new products developed by Dr. Nonna and her team began to generate interest among new immigrants from Russia, Mikhail immediately understood which direction to move.
He gathered and trained the first generation of distributors, mostly new immigrants, and sent them to Russia to test their reaction to the products. It soon became clear that this was a success story. From that moment on, the company began to move forward rapidly. Over the years, Mikhail Shneerson has faced serious trials more than once, he successfully managed to lead the company through the financial crisis in Russia in 1998 and the global crisis in 2008. His steadfast character and many years of experience as a wise, sagacious leader are manifested again and again. The company overcomes challenges and continues to thrive.
Currently running Dr. Nona International, M. Schneerson pays special attention to the improvement and development of the distribution system, sets new goals and objectives for the company.
The combination of humanity, genuine concern for distributors, innovative business vision and recognition of the MLM merits that served as the basis for business success, all this is reflected in every decision Mikhail makes.